Kirby Mountain

Typography in QuarkXPress
Keyboard instructions are for the Macintosh.

Go to Style Standards, Grammar Issues, A Proper Drop Cap

• Use Standard Em (Type Preferences). Exception: Setting math may be easier with the nonstandard em, which Quark calculates as the width of 2 zeros in the current font.

• Set minimum and maximum letterspacing to the same value as the optimum (Edit H&Js; char min, opt, and max). A higher value than 0% will improve the readability of many fonts.

Try increasing the optimum wordspacing, even up to 120%, because electronic fonts tend to have tight spacebands. Set the minimum to half to three-quarters and the maximum to one-and-a-third times to twice the optimum.

• Don’t track lines of text more than ±3 to improve rag or spacing. Adjust word spacing as well.

Small type, knock-out type, caps, and small caps usually require extra letterspacing (tracking) for improved readability.

• When true small caps are not available, set Quark-generated small caps with around 10% more horizontal scaling than vertical, e.g., 70% vertical and 77% horizontal. Do the same for superscript and subscript (e.g., 65%v, 72%h), and superior type (e.g., 50%v, 55%h) (Type Preferences).

• Fractions: Set the numerator in superscript and the denominator in subscript.

• Stacked fractions: With the above settings, try offsets of 42% and 17%, respectively. Set a baseline-shifted en or em dash between the numerator and denominator, and kern-space to align them all. The dash can be horizontally scaled as necessary. Note that in setting math the numbers in fractions are typically set at the same size as integers.

An alternative method of setting a stacked (also called case) fraction, particularly when the size of the digits is not reduced, is to anchor it in its own text box. Center the numerator and denominator on their own lines, and use a “rule below” the numerator.

• Slash fractions: With the above settings, try offsets of 25% and 0%, respectively—the numerator should top-align with the font’s cap height, and the denominator should sit on or slightly below the baseline. Use the fraction slash between them: opt-sh-1. Kern-space adjustment may be necessary.

• Ellipse (. . .): space period cmd-sh-space period cmd-sh-space period

This ensures that the ellipse won’t be broken and in justified copy that all ellipses will have the same spacing.

• An ellipse that indicates a gap in quoted material may be set without spaces (...) or with the ellipse character, opt-; (…).

• To keep a word from hyphenating, add cmd-hyphen at the start of the word. To prevent a break at a typed hyphen change the hyphen to cmd-equals. To force a single word to the next line change the space after it to ctl-space (rather than insert a soft return).

• Increase the kern space between nested quotation marks.

• Watch out for apostrophes at the start of words (e.g., ’76), which Quark will set as opening single quotation marks. Change to opt-sh-]. (For reference: ‘ is opt-], ’ is opt-sh-], “ is opt-[, and ” is opt-sh-[.)

• To set inch and foot marks instead of typographer’s quotes, use ctl-sh-" and ctl-'.

• Bold and italic styling should also be applied to the following punctuation and space, unless the point size, scaling, color, or font family also changes. House style may differ, however. Other exception: Closing parentheses, quotation marks, and paired em dashes should be set in the same style as their opening counterparts.

• Allow Quark to break a line after an en dash (opt-hyphen) by inserting a discretionary new line (cmd-return).

• The em dash (opt-sh-hyphen) should not have spaces around it, although some kern space may have to be added in some fonts or with some letters. Quark will break a line if necessary after an em dash; allow a break before an em dash by inserting a discretionary new line (cmd-return).

• Avoid more than two hyphen breaks in a row. Do not break already hyphenated terms. Avoid ending or starting two lines in a row with the same word and starting more than two lines in a row with the same letter.

Go to Style Guide and Grammar Issues, A Proper Drop Cap


Kirby Mountain  Composition & Graphics